Mac’s Brew News – May 25, 2013

Mac’s Brew News is published today in honor of my brother-in-law, Don Evans, who is 50 years old today. Happy Brthday, Don. I hope you have a fun time at your birthday party today. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. You only turn 50 once, so make the most of your day. I remember when I turned 50 – that’s when I upped my standards, so up yours! I’m bringing some special beer to the party, just for you. I hope you enjoy it, and I wish you all the best in the year ahead.

When God looked down from the heavens,
He smiled on this fellow, DON EVANS.
This man is a pleasure,
Whose company we treasure.
To know him is like rolling sevens!

Now for the beer news. I submitted Whatchamacallit and Nut Case to the Orange County Fair a few weeks ago. I believe the competition judging was last Saturday (a week ago), but the results won’t be announced until sometime in July. I’m pretty confident about Nut Case. The more I drink Whatchamacallit, the more I like it and believe it’s a very good beer, but I’m still not counting on it to win any awards.

Mac’s Apricot Wheat: I bottled Mac’s Apricot Wheat on May 9, 2013. It’s 6.5% ABV with a nice apricot aroma and flavor. It’s not at all sour like the cherry wheat ale I brewed a year ago for vacation. It’s a very pleasant beer, and should be quite refreshing when it’s carbonated and ready for drinking. I’m bringing a case of it to the beach house in Oceanside on July 13th. Good times ahead.

Smack Down: I bottled Smack Down on Saturday May 18, 2013. It ended up 9.8% ABV (Original Gravity = 1.087; Final Gravity = 1.014). This recipe was based upon my Phat Pliny recipe from a year ago, with some changes to the grain bill (I doubled the crystal malt and increased the Carapils by 33%) in an attempt (my guess) to make this a little more like Knuckle Sandwich (Bootleggers Brewery, Fullerton CA). It has a GREAT hoppy aroma and flavor right now. I should be drinking it in about 3 weeks, and can’t wait to see how it finishes up. The carbonation always alters the taste, but the bitterness it adds should not matter too much in a beer as hoppy as Smack Down. Dad and Mike, be patient – there might be a bottle or two in your future as well . . . . . .

Mak’s Bavarian Hefeweizen: I brewed Mac’s version of a German style hefe on May 15, 2013. I racked it to the secondary fermenter on May 22nd. I imagine it will be ready for bottling sometime in the next 7 – 10 days (maybe even sooner). I plan to brew another batch next Thursday, May 30th. This is a great summertime beer, so I want to have plenty of it available for the hot weather ahead. Sheila always appreciates having a good supply of it for the summer, so I can’t disappoint her now, can I? It’s the identical recipe to Mac’s Apricot Wheat (sans the aricot) with one deviation. The yeast is a different strain, and will give a completley differnt flavor to the beer.

That’s aobut it for now. I have to go get ready for Don’s partay. I might even have a beer or two at the event. I’m in Bullhead City, AZ, and it’s a fairly mild day today (predicted high of 102° F – not too hot for BHC). Yeah, the thought of an ice cold IPA right now is pretty appealing. In fact, I think I’ll go have one, and I recommend that each of you reading this news letter do the same (that includes Deb and Mom). Cheers (and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DON – you old fart)!

7 thoughts on “Mac’s Brew News – May 25, 2013

  1. Good luck with your beer entry this year, can’t wait to sample it! So glad you are here as we celebrate Don’s Birthday!
    Love Mom

  2. Love the limerick in Don’s honor! He is still my Baby Brother and as much fun as when he was a little boy! Carl I wanted to wish you a Happy Father’s Day…you are the best Father in the world and you do so much for your family and for me. I hope your day is relaxing and special..just like you. I always knew you would be a wonderful Dad even before we had kids and now you are a Wonderful Pop Pop. How Great is that? I love you always! Xoxo

    • I really think Sheila is a good judge of character and this is why I brewed Mac’s Apricot Ale at her request. By the way, Sheila, we need to slow down on consuming the Apricot Ale or there won’t be any left to bring to the beach house next month. We really shouldn’t deny the rest of the family that little pleasure, should we? I think Mak’s Bavarian Hefeweizen should be ready to drink in another week or two; maybe then we can leave the apricot beer alone and focus on the hefe.

      Thank you for the kind words,Sheila. I love you a hundred pounds!

  3. Gee Sheila, what about the rest of us??? It really sounds good sure hope there will be some left!! Although I am very happy Sheila is enjoying your handiwork I just want to make sure there is some for me, after all I’m the “Old Fart” and deserve at least a taste!!

    • Don’t worry, Dad, I put up the roadblocks so there should be some left for the rest of us. This past weekend, Sheila moved from Mac’s Apricot Ale to Whatchamacallit, and Mak’s Bavarian Hefeweizen is about ready to drink. There will definitely be one case of Mac’s Apricot for consumption in Oceanside.

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