I bottled Phat Pliny and Mac’s Bavarian Hefeweizen last Saturday (April 7, 2012). Phat Pliny weighed in at 10.1% ABV. Yes, you read that correctly and it’s not a typo. PHAT PLINY IS 10.1% ABV. I was looking to give Pliny a little boost, but I didn’t expect this much of kick. It tastes quite good also, although it’s a little difficult to assess the flavor before carbonation. It is the ultimate hoppy beer, but also has a nice malty taste. Hopefully the carbonation won’t dry it out too much. There are 48 x 12 oz bottles, and tasting day is Saturday May 5th. Bob Waddell and Mike Matulich are already whining, afraid that they won’t get any of it. The need not worry; if they’re nice I’ll let them split a 12 oz bottle (just kidding dad, there’s plenty for you guys).
I also bottled Mak’s Bavarian Hefeweizen last Saturday (poor planning on my part – bottling two batches of different beer on the same day was a lot of work). This brew has a nice fruity flavor with no hoppiness (the hallmark of a German style hefeweizen). It’s cloudy with a nice light golden color. It is 6.4% ABV, a little high for a German hefe, but the alcohol is not noticeable (the flavor that is, not sure about the effect). Again, we’ll see how it holds up to carbonation, but it should be a nice refreshing summer beer, available for drinking in early May (Saturday May 5th, same day as Phat Pliny) just as the weather starts getting hot. I ended up with 50 x 12 oz bottles and two growlers. There is a little extra priming sugar in this batch, as German hefe is typically a highly carbonated beer.
I brewed a Dunkelweizen on Tuesday April 10, 2012. It was a good day to brew – nice cool weather, no one to bother, and a day off of work. I had some trouble getting the ingredients I wanted, so I had to revise the recipe at the provisions store. I based the recipe on my hefe, with some dark grains substituted and/or added. Not sure how it will turn out, it might taste just like Mak’s Bavarian Hefeweizen as I had to settle for third choice on the grains (the Dark Wheat and Dark Munich were unavailable). I really had an efficient mash though, (90% as calculated by my ProMash software), so I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Right now it’s in the primary fermenter, with a lot of the yeast/krausen in the pot of water next to the carboy (good thing I used a blow-off hose instead of an airlock!!).
Next up is a cherry wheat concoction for summer vacation (July). I’ll brew that at the end of this month or the first week of May. I guess I need to sharpen my pencil and come up with a recipe pretty soon. My dilemma is whether to ferment with the pureed fruit or to just put flavor concentrate in the beer at bottling. Hmmmm, maybe I’ll flip a coin – there’s pros and cons to either method.
That’s it for now. I think I’ll go open a bottle and relax with a good brew.
Sounds like you are really enjoying your brewing Carl, happy you are!
Love Mom
Yes I am. I think several other people are enjoying my brewing also.
You have certainly been a busy little brewer! Russ and Mike Matulich brewed today.
Yes, so I understand. Mike has snivelled several times about not getting my Pliny last time – yet I invited him over to the pub several times and he could never make the time. But you know he NEVER invited me over to have some of his draft beer. Hopefully that won’t happen this time. I’m looking forward to having his draft IPA.